Category Archives: Uncategorized
If You Find A Hundred Dollars Is It Yours To Keep?
If you find a hundred dollars is it yours to keep? No, you should not just keep a wad of cash and say its yours. You should hang sighns saying if anyone lost money in the park call this number and put down your number, but first you have to tell me how much it is and ill give it back. It is a decent amount of money. Also what if people ask you were you got the money? How will you convince them its yours? Im Tscott and my answer is no, you should not keep it.
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Respect Property
We can respect property in many ways. For example: say you and your friends were playing softball or baseball. The ball hit someones window you don’t even know, so you and your friends take off running home. Is that being respectful of others property? NO!!!!!! Well say instead of running off you and your friends go knock on their door and say we acidently broke your window we don’t have any money but, is there anything we can do to help? That is being respectful,so try to be respectrful to property every were!
Should Children Get Paid For Attending School?
Should children get paid for going to school? No!!! Where would the school get its money? We can get up every morning of the week and get ready for school to get a FREE education. I’m T Scott and that is my thoughts .
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